Alicia Collins

Child, boo. You know that Onika doesn't understand irony. She needed an easy rhyme because she's a simpleton, who once had the potential of legit hip hop greatness. Now she's stuck getting shaded by Mariah Carey.

Child, boo. You know that Onika doesn't understand irony. She needed an easy rhyme because she's a simpleton, who once had the potential of legit hip hop greatness. Now she's stuck getting shaded by Mariah Carey.

So Lindsay Lohan got to hang out with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler and wasn't inspired to be an amazing comedic actress? What a waste.

So Lindsay Lohan got to hang out with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler and wasn't inspired to be an amazing comedic actress? What a waste.

I'm just patiently waiting for her to start aging, so that I can feel better about myself. She's so damned cute!

No one remember how the Artic Monkeys came out of nowhere on SNL in 2005? No one knew who the fuck they were. The buzz died down but they're still going and their real fans remain.

I stopped at the first one. It was interesting, the big sound echoed dreamy sound appealed to me. I had no idea they kept going. Tom's voice just gets worse with time. 2 movies?

Shit! Shit Shit Shit!

Timberlake's not a bad actor, but I have to laugh at his choice of movies. You can tell they're all awesome on paper. They just don't translate.

It's got one of the best intros I've ever heard( and I've heard a lot of 90s rap albums) It's like a dream.

I'm going to heartily agree with you, Nick. I think he's a great talent who should just keep making music no matter what. It's so infectious. He could make a completely shit record but that voice stays with me.

In highschool we had a large concentration of Jesus Kids who loved this stuff. They were into the bands. They formed enough bands to create an actual "scene" Non believers like myself would occasionally drop in. I mostly remember kids wearing the totally coveted HFC (Hardcore for Christ) hoodies. Also clothes that