
I think nothing less than an A+ from AV would turn me around at this point but I can't wait to hate follow the shit out of this. 

I like How Did This Get Made (in fact, I found it thru Podmass and thus it's one of the reasons I check the column regularly) but someone needs to pass on to Paul and company they are making what is essentially a radio show and the audience isn't hanging out in the room with them so they can't all repeatedly scream

When I watched My So-Called Life, I always yearned (like Rayanne did) to have grown up in a house with parents like Graham and Patty.

So the burning question is how long before Vernon Reid and Corey Glover sue?

So, please does this mean no more Priya?

I really liked this episode and laughed out loud several times ("Every home needs a tool kit. Here's what April and Andy's contains: a hammer, a tape called 'Sonic the Hedgehog', a baseball card, a flashlight….full of jelly beans.") They struggle a bit with Ann but nevertheless I still love Ann and since she's been

What the hell? If I wasn't so passive aggressive I'd break your nose.

For the record, I didn't get the basketball joke at all.

What a lovely recap to a totally mediocre fallen idol. I quit watching midway thru and I really think I'm done. We all should have stopped after season 7 which was the only good one Bunim/Murray produced. Clearly by accident.

I have been struggling to figure out who Sucklord reminds me of and at last it has come to me: Mark Damone from Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Just picture him saying, "We're here to help you with your math homework." And then cut his balls off.

Damn, that guy is one of my favorite stand-ups working. Having spent the last month dealing with my Dad's unexpected long-term stay in the ICU as a result of complications from cancer surgery, I can imagine what his family is going through. I truly hope for a speedy and full recovery. 

Jenny Jones? WTF, why aren't Sally Jesse Raphael and Jack Parr on the list? (I know, Jack Parr kicked ass.)

Huh. Oh well. I never really gave a shit about The Killers. Now if Ray LaMontagne starts shilling all things Moroni, the coal cinder that is my heart will shatter.

I don't see how this idea can be sustained over multiple seasons and the pilot made almost no sense-and I'm being kind about the "almost" part-but you are right. It's totally worth watching. For starters, Connie Britton gives a fantastic performance. And so does Jessica Lange for that matter although they seem to be

I do miss the warehouse cast. Mainly because of Patrice O'Neal.

I have more affection for BBT than the vast majority of the Onion AV crowd (which doesn't mean I'm not aware of the show's flaws, particularly its tendency to set its writing on autopilot and let the talented cast carry the load.)

How can it be that I both know Andy Cohen and recognized all of these references (save for the citrus tits shirt-Jesus) even though the only thing I ever watch on my once beloved Bravo anymore is the Top Chef version 1.0. Everyone who claims not to know him clearly is watching the tv with their aluminum foil helmets

This show gives me vertigo. Sometimes it's kinda, sorta funny and I do love the two leads-Beth Behrs is trying so hard and I mean that in a good way. But then there's the hackneyed plot devices and the racial stereotypes that are so lazy they pretty much show up at my door already in a recliner that make me feel like

I watched this show for years beyond when I should have stopped. I finally dropped the habit and was quite proud of myself (other than the general inanity and irrelevance when it comes to fashion, the way Tyra fucks with the mind of these sometimes vulnerable young women is straight up villainy and was quite painful

I have to say the show is getting better for me than it was earlier in the season.