Miles Bader

Just for the record, I don't really blame my sis… I think she was just at an age where she was kinda freaked out by unfamiliar stuff… (and she's a wonderful person now)

Just for the record, I don't really blame my sis, she was just at an age where I think she was freaked out by unfamiliar stuff… (and she's a wonderful person now)

Outback's menu is fundamentally flawed in that it's an American Mall Restaurant, and everything it serves is steeped in that slightly bizarre aesthetic ("when in doubt, deep fry it, and maybe add more cheese"). It's indistinguishable from CGI Fridays except for the slightly less embarrassing name.

When I was a kid we used to occasionally go to this little hole-in-the-wall Chinese restaurant, usually on special occasions. My sister wasn't having it though, and would always insist on a cheeseburger instead (and by "insist" I mean "cry until she got it").