
Also, the kid playing Rick was called Jack DeForest. DeForest was Humphrey Bogart's middle name.

The series is about two boys and their friends, who go to a preppy boarding school somewhere in Ontario and get up to misadventures, which drives their headmaster (Mr Sturgeon) crazy. I loved those books as a kid.

Yeah, I don't think it's an innovative piece of comedy like, say, my parents do, but it's pleasant enough and I generally try to keep up with it.

I liked the one they did based on Lord of the Flies, but that was something like Season 10. I feel like the writers are going for cheap gimmicks and really obvious plots when the world of Springfield could allow for some really interesting stories, without really going out on a limb.

And Jesus Christ Superstar…

Is it just me, or did the ending have a bit of a Margaret Atwood reference? Waterless flood, pig enemies…

I hear it most strongly in Bart, not as much in other characters.

Wait, all this time I've been calling her Crandall.

I guess the same thing that killed his wives finally got him.

Serak the Preparer?

I get what you mean, kinda, but still feel it was incredibly out of place in The Simpsons.

I know, but it's a jarring contrast all the same.

I never even thought of it from that angle…eek that makes it so much worse.

You're right, he really does sound "off" lately. I wonder if they'll wind up replacing NC, or just let it continue to sound awkward?

How about when Homer's on the spaceship and envisions Flanders AND HIS SONS hanging, dead? That is not the Homer-Flanders dynamic we have long enjoyed!

I feel like the Poochie episode has finally come to pass.

That one really pissed me off and I could never articulate why. He was never MEANT to come back. That was the point!