Kevin Corcoran Jr

As a young adult in a generation cluttered with white noise, it's a pleasure to have someone like Mr. Cohen still writing and recording… keeping the tradition of lounge-room lullabies alive. As I listen to this new cd, I imagine his voice as a cowboy telling a story over beautiful melodies of various instruments and

hell yeah this album is so sick! i’ve been getting more into the metal
scene lately with older bands like blood brothers, cannibal corpse, and
others… and lamb of god seems to be the stakeholders in the best metal
i’ve ever heard. Even more awesome is the fact that they released a
brand new album shortly after I got

I found out about this band on their black cab session (side note: if
you haven't heard of, or watched a black cab session… you are really
in for a treat when you finally check them out.) Anyway, I've enjoyed
just about every artist that has ever played on their videos, but
something about Chairlift got me more