Not My Goodies

i used to think he was hilarious when i was 12 and he would talk about boners and farts on loveline, but now i'm pretty sure it's time for him to go away forever. what a goddamn pussy that guy is.

i ragequit this reason when i realized they weren't really killing tara off.

i ragequit this reason when i realized they weren't really killing tara off.

you're just confirming that anime fans are creepy.

you're just confirming that anime fans are creepy.

at least it only costs a couple bucks to fuck a teddy bear. easily concealable, portable, toss it in the washer for cleaning. no problem.

at least it only costs a couple bucks to fuck a teddy bear. easily concealable, portable, toss it in the washer for cleaning. no problem.

@avclub-210ece8308a3469be96696bec61b3860:disqus  replace the tail and ears with a gimp suit. xkcd can fuck off, if i go out in my gimp suit i get hassled by the cops even though my butthole isn't showing. furries earned their punching bag status by acting like a persecuted minority every time they're giggled at. when

@avclub-210ece8308a3469be96696bec61b3860:disqus  replace the tail and ears with a gimp suit. xkcd can fuck off, if i go out in my gimp suit i get hassled by the cops even though my butthole isn't showing. furries earned their punching bag status by acting like a persecuted minority every time they're giggled at. when

i think it's really weird that you're pretending like the entirety of it isn't sexual and creepy. replace "furry fandom" with "s&m" or whatever and you'll see how creepy it is. no, it does not please a wide range of interests. it pleases those who are specifically into fucking the rescue rangers. which may be a

i think it's really weird that you're pretending like the entirety of it isn't sexual and creepy. replace "furry fandom" with "s&m" or whatever and you'll see how creepy it is. no, it does not please a wide range of interests. it pleases those who are specifically into fucking the rescue rangers. which may be a

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus  i did this once as a stoned 14 year old. he just turned on his loud speaker and yelled at me to come back for a few minutes, got bored and left.

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus  i did this once as a stoned 14 year old. he just turned on his loud speaker and yelled at me to come back for a few minutes, got bored and left.

i like  your style. very graceful way to promote your blog, this post is. 

i like  your style. very graceful way to promote your blog, this post is. 

his paintings are ok, i guess. it's not that hard to make decent music, and he's got access to the greatest producers and collaborators available. he should try not sucking. you know, not being a self absorbed twat.

his paintings are ok, i guess. it's not that hard to make decent music, and he's got access to the greatest producers and collaborators available. he should try not sucking. you know, not being a self absorbed twat.

they are the wings that give my spirit license to soar

they are the wings that give my spirit license to soar

he's really getting on in years. every time he makes a play for relevancy it just gets sadder and sadder. he should try not being a 14 year old goth kid and try to do something of artistic merit before he drinks himself to death. or cut his hair and manage his portfolio.