Not My Goodies

he's really getting on in years. every time he makes a play for relevancy it just gets sadder and sadder. he should try not being a 14 year old goth kid and try to do something of artistic merit before he drinks himself to death. or cut his hair and manage his portfolio.

yeah mechanical animals was almost an actual good album. he's not really an artist though, or at least has zero gifts as a musician or lyricist. he's just not capable of making a mature work like yearzero, he's always going to be the schlocky gimmick guy that only 14 year olds are impressed by. and incredibly

yeah mechanical animals was almost an actual good album. he's not really an artist though, or at least has zero gifts as a musician or lyricist. he's just not capable of making a mature work like yearzero, he's always going to be the schlocky gimmick guy that only 14 year olds are impressed by. and incredibly

republicans are such pussies

republicans are such pussies

Except 2001 makes perfect sense internally.

Except 2001 makes perfect sense internally.

You're not special, that stuff is readily apparent to anyone watching the movie. The black goo is stupid in about 50 different ways, the characters are still ridiculous movie constructs with one defining trait apiece who make nonsensical choices to move the plot along… etc, etc, etc, etc.

You're not special, that stuff is readily apparent to anyone watching the movie. The black goo is stupid in about 50 different ways, the characters are still ridiculous movie constructs with one defining trait apiece who make nonsensical choices to move the plot along… etc, etc, etc, etc.

chill out, @avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus . no spoilers in sight.

chill out, @avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus . no spoilers in sight.

i bet GRRM can lay down a mean dicking. it's the ferocity in his eyes.

i bet GRRM can lay down a mean dicking. it's the ferocity in his eyes.

trust i seek, and i find in you-ah

trust i seek, and i find in you-ah

they never actually advocate for anything, really. it would be a lot harder for them to make fun of everybody if they actually had a definable viewpoint to defend.

they never actually advocate for anything, really. it would be a lot harder for them to make fun of everybody if they actually had a definable viewpoint to defend.

i wonder if they're going to tell us more about jaime's struggle with dyslexia. or perhaps the maesters of the red keep will slip joffrey a tincture distilled from the roots of ye olde adderol. perhaps melisandre will look into the flames of Rhllor and conduct a thorough applied behavioral analysis on stannis, and

i wonder if they're going to tell us more about jaime's struggle with dyslexia. or perhaps the maesters of the red keep will slip joffrey a tincture distilled from the roots of ye olde adderol. perhaps melisandre will look into the flames of Rhllor and conduct a thorough applied behavioral analysis on stannis, and

sassafras is where your E comes from.