Not My Goodies

sassafras is where your E comes from.

vanderwerf's voice is way deeper than i would've expected.  i'm a little disappointed to be honest.

vanderwerf's voice is way deeper than i would've expected.  i'm a little disappointed to be honest.

it takes a long time to die from an arrow or bolt because the projectile plugs up the wound and keeps you from bleeding out. bow hunters sometimes have to spend days tracking their quarry after they sink an arrow since it can take forever to die from one unless it's a perfect shot through the heart or brain, and even

it takes a long time to die from an arrow or bolt because the projectile plugs up the wound and keeps you from bleeding out. bow hunters sometimes have to spend days tracking their quarry after they sink an arrow since it can take forever to die from one unless it's a perfect shot through the heart or brain, and even

some percentage of children born are going to be horrible people. that's reason #139,482 to wrap the dick up.

some percentage of children born are going to be horrible people. that's reason #139,482 to wrap the dick up.

i guess. i've heard conservatives try to claim south park as an example of right wingers being way more clever and pithy and cool than liberals. and that "i'm smarter than everyone else because my belief system is both cruel and counter-intuitive" thing that's cool with the ron paul kids these days probably stems

i guess. i've heard conservatives try to claim south park as an example of right wingers being way more clever and pithy and cool than liberals. and that "i'm smarter than everyone else because my belief system is both cruel and counter-intuitive" thing that's cool with the ron paul kids these days probably stems

they can stop right after korn's groovy pirate adventure. all that needs to be said will already have been said.

they can stop right after korn's groovy pirate adventure. all that needs to be said will already have been said.

@talkjawking100:disqus , master of the hard sell!

@talkjawking100:disqus , master of the hard sell!

season 3 is, i think, the absolute best. it's got 2 guy naked in a hot tub, which is a really brave episode when most of your fanbase is homophobic 12 year olds. and the civil war episode, which is imo the best thing they've ever done.

season 3 is, i think, the absolute best. it's got 2 guy naked in a hot tub, which is a really brave episode when most of your fanbase is homophobic 12 year olds. and the civil war episode, which is imo the best thing they've ever done.

just watch em all, there are stinkers and gems in every season.

just watch em all, there are stinkers and gems in every season.

they just recognize libertarianism as the Most Contrarian Viewpoint and it gives them a chance to take a very divisive issue, mock both sides of it, and then smugly claim that the answer lies somewhere in the middle.

they just recognize libertarianism as the Most Contrarian Viewpoint and it gives them a chance to take a very divisive issue, mock both sides of it, and then smugly claim that the answer lies somewhere in the middle.

GRRM's just happy he gets to creepy uncle the chick who plays dany. he's consulted for his opinion but he has no editorial control or veto power whatsoever.