Sam Saper

Me! ME!!! Time is actually fairly relevant, and has a number of pretty good columnists, but does gloss over things sometimes, and has a tendancy to show a bunch of photos and pretty stuff in articles, i.e. not hard hitting. Slightly more liberal, Slightly more hip.
Newsweek was, up until recently, the opposite: Longer

That's from Ironic Sans, I think…

Ha ha HE'S DEAD :-(

Hi, I'm Mario Lopez, and we'd like you to appear on our new show H8r!

Sarcasm? Noooo….

Question about this song: I'm not offended by Strange Clouds, but for some reason "Young Wild and Free" feels like Pot-Proganda, (if we replaced references to pot in that song with cigarettes there would be outrage.

Actually, as much as it failed at "Providing Entertainment," Happy Feet is really quite effective and shocking (for a little kid's film.)

If it has a genuinely sad ending, it is good.
If it has a happy ending or a wimp-out ending, it is bad.

New baltimorean here who went to the restaurant at 50ish seconds just a few days ago… very cool!

So why isn't this Dumb and Dumber Three?

Goodbye, 2 broke girls! I'm finally giving up on you, for now!

I like how the replies to this comment barely mention this show, and mostly talk about Community. Everything comes back to Community here, doesn't it?

They get knocked down, but they get up again. You're never going to get them down.

This is a lost reference, but it could also be a reference to the miniseries Tin Man, which Once Upon A Time is incredibly similar to. So, I don't think it was intentional, but nicely done anyways.

How has nobody mentioned the extreme similarities to children's book series "The Sisters Grimm?"

I don't think I put the joke on thick enough there. Something something lens flares something something bluray something something hey-o cymbal crash. There you are.

Winnie the Pooh was much better, until they ruined it with those  awful '90's reboots… But the recent movie was a true return to form.


The Wire would have been better as a spinoff of mad men with kirsten schall's adventures in the big city and as a telephone answering girl.

Something out of the recent office… Which is at least better than this show now…