Sam Saper

See: Glee.


"This" is your mom.
This is your life.

Can't answer all your questions, but I was able to do everything I needed to without paying money. It's 2D, but the graphics are pretty awesome. Skills are things like cooking (for food) or mining (there are some metals here and there for making stuff) or bureacracy (Basically to ride subway/buy house you need this.)

Your little smiley made me very confused about the site I was on for a second… :-D

Pulitzer prize winner Zanadoo73xd presents "They need to do way instain," a collection of poetry from the best artist's collective in the world, Yahoo Answers.

Hey, perhaps two broke girls is doing the same! It certainly worked on Todd!

Remember the crossover episode? "I feel so pretty! God's not going to let me die, because I am so pretty! Pretty pretty tobias! Lalala!" Man, that show really got better around it's fourth season… But then the whole thing went to heck when Larry the Cable Guy left to do acclaimed indie drama "Rednecks in Space"

You're preaching to the preacher's guild

Guys shooting guns at each other 30% While this nicely shot film has all the necessary action and stunts, the filmakers didn't provide a competent script or compelling characters.
A bitch and an asshole fall in love 69% The production design is stunning, but character's motivations are

"I mean, at the time, I would’ve been thrilled, but I don’t trust my 25-year-old self with what I would’ve done with any sort of career boost." What would you have done, built a giant ice rink?

You're not the queen of the obvious.

Unrelated, kinda, but my idea for AV classic has always been that you would treat it more like this: Don't do it chronological, pick and choose episodes, and then compare them to other shows. Makes it more like an essay, draws away from grades which I know you don't like… So for example a Soap episode 44 compared to,

Well, you have two pair right here!

Something something argument…

Or when Jessica "dies" (sob)

So, you're new here? That means you're a "minor, eh, troynance?"


Don't knock Johnny English Reborn! IMDB seems to like it better than the first:…
(seriously, though, did Oliver Parker just PAY people to rate his movie high? How the heck is the rating that high…

Something Something Futurama