I'm sure this album will be fantastic but no one tells the Japandroids to move over. God will tear down the gates of heaven to make room for their amps when they're called in (and they will be)
I'm sure this album will be fantastic but no one tells the Japandroids to move over. God will tear down the gates of heaven to make room for their amps when they're called in (and they will be)
I'm sure this album will be fantastic but no one tells the Japandroids to move over. God will tear down the gates of heaven to make room for their amps when they're called in (and they will be)
Eesh. The Gentleman's F. Tough stuff.
This is a fucking good article. Well observed and written, insightful and pithy considering the scope of the subject. Excellent read.
This film sounds like Genuine Class!
Best thing about A.B. is its influence on Gene and Dean in molding their stone cold classic Pure Guava.
I don't even really want to firsties this but whatever.