Brain Lock

It's a shame it was never expounded on, but it's a moot point, innit?

What, like the fact he new powers are barely explored for a couple of the gang, and others take the fore.  And then there's a running gag that will pop up again.

Spoiler: We do see Nathan again, but not in the way you'd expect.

Pussy MEISTER, thank yew very much.

Harryhausen is IMMORTAL.

Anti-Ballistic Valium?

@avclub-ca157d1a1382fd3eb266129b96bdba74:disqus I first saw him in Dirty Deeds, the 2002 Australian mafia film starring Bryan Brown, Sam Neill, John Goodman, and Toni Collette.

What's up with all the "Curtis is gonna DIE!" rumors?
I mean, what the fook?

Besides, you also have an excuse to "try out" those gay urges without having to worry about anyone finding out.  Which Rudy totally did.

We've already had 4400, Heroes, and Alphas, why do we need a watered down Misfits?  Heck, two of those have already been cancelled and the other is on syfylis. That should be proof enough.

Whenever Rudy goes off on one of his rants, it's the same way Nathan goes off.  This makes me wonder if Robert Sheehan had decided to leave after most of the season/series had been written and they simply changed his name and a few minor details to "create" Rudy to replace him.  They already had the excuse of the

Glad I wasn't the only one to scroll back up to "Pauly Patton" after seeing that.

Mi2 wasted Brendan Gleeson. I hope he took a sizable check home for that one.

so the dog is a Dire Aurochdog?


I think Altered States was my first Russel film, and I kept watching it over and over for some obsessive reason.  I tried to watch Devils a while back, but gave up after maybe 20 minutes.  I've seen parts of Lair, but I don't recall seeing the whole thing?

wasn't that parodied in an 80s SNL skit with Kirstie Allen as an alien leader making first contact with the same…affliction(?).  The guys (Nealon, Hartman-?) can't help but keep "eye contact" and there was a contact lens joke, too.

#17 should be #1

I've been rewatching Dark Skies recently.  Eric Close has not aged at all.
I think we've found our new Highlander, should the remake ever get off the ground.

I keep telling y'all, at least three men have worn the suit:
Lean Man
Paunch Belly Man
Short Man (aka Tate?)