Brain Lock


So does Thomas P. Lennon get residuals every time he says "dangle"?  He should.

My aunt bought her eldest son and his wife a turkey fryer one year.  No one told her the daughter in law was allergic to peanuts, and apparently you have to use peanut oil to fry them?  oops.

Yeah, but the writers will pander to the whiny blonde bimbo, forsaking all else, including logic and viewers.

VIVA #SaveSouthLAnd!
VIVA #SaveHeroes!

You know you want Quinto.

[insert "THAT'S RACIST!" kid here]

and people wonder why I call Galifianakis "Peaches".

VIVA #SaveHeroes

It's working for that IS knockoff, Dr. Why.

It's the FOURTH Booth Brother!
(That's totally Christopher's hat!)

- Lungbarrow
- Time War

Jack Harkness approves this message.

No room for Pluto Nash cameo?  :(

Needs more Alex Winter.

NOT Matt Smith.

Colm balked at coming to St Louis cons on two occasions in the 90s (one was for reshoots for that Tom Cruise movie), and Siddig (still el Fadil) filled in for him the second time.  Sid was pronouncing it as "Culm".

Correction: Every Irish movie Brendan Gleeson isn't busy for.

Dorn played the President on Heroes right after Obama got hisself elected.  He also got to eye-fuck future-Zpock, Quinto.

Avery is tripping the fuck out in THE CAPTAINS, and Shat is obviously trying to humor him and find an excuse to leave at the same time.