Tyson K

Such a superb record….Check out this clip from 1993 as they play Divine Hammer then Josephine Wiggs gives Conan O'Brien a hickey…

This music makes me want to gaze at my shoes…and pontificate if writing the anarchy sign in white out was a good idea

Tuatara while not everyone's cup of tea is a solid side project featuring Peter Buck, Barrett Martin, and Skerik among others

Oh Well

Country music would be so much better if they still did bucket loads of blow and drank a gallon of whiskey before breakfast like Mr. Jones…RIP to a true rock star

I often find myself singing Semisonic in my sleep

The Atlanta Braves have sadly hijacked this song..Upton here Upton here

We have lost a great musician and a true original..Oddly enough I got into him on the basis of this album cover when I was a teenager..I just purchased it at a thrift store having only heard of him,without having actually listened to his music and it introduced me to the world of Richie Havens..It's still one of my

Wikipedia fails to mention his one year stint as a radio "color analyst" for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 1990..He truly made Dennis Miller look like a football genius with is "commentary" that one season. The Bucs were 6-10 that year so not many listened, but oh man..This record is bound to be much better than

That would be Blind Melon

Cool Uncle…They didn't write very many love songs, but you'd be hard pressed to find one as great as "Snowball"

When I was little I actually thought "Little Red Corvette" was about a car

Tears For Fears' Songs From The Big Chair is the first album I purchased at age 7. I still have that record now which has pretty much been rendered useless(7 year olds aren't known to handle records with kid gloves). I bought the CD several years later(took much better care if it) and still listen to it at least once

It's a poor man's Athens

I think when Blue Oyster Cult said "Time to make B-sides" Buck Dharma was dreaming up of a tune this fucking good

Quadra fuckin Jets

As an avid REM fan this is the only CD I ever purchased by them that I returned for $2..or $4.50 in store credit..I took the store credit and purchased Spoon's Girls Can it worked out well in the end

Green is a very middle of the pack REM record, but a good starter album for REM newbies(if such a thing exists in 2013)..World Leader Pretend is one of REM's Top 10 songs and one of the best anti-war songs from the 80's or any decade and also a nice homage to Leonard Cohen as well

I've heard All Night Radio, the Beachwood Sparks side project(?!) is somewhere near the bottom..but that's a darn good record

What is the worst selling album on Sub Pop?..Anyone have a clue??