
that would be EPIC

He's still a dirtbag. So now he's on haley's level.

THANK YOU. I agree 100%. I hate that, just like real life, some of the biggest assholes continually have everyone bow and give them everything. (same with hayley from MF. She's the worst person in the world yet she's worshiped only because she's "hot")

Thank you for mentioning the Queen shirt. I'm hoping that "Radio Ga-Ga" works it's way into the show in some way.

Agree on Manny. He's not even a "nice guy" that the girls can flock too. He's annoying and condescending.

I thought when you put a razor in candy, it was an actual razor and not the top of a Lady Bic. I was looking for the wrong thing.

But in his mind, he sees himself as this age - even in flashbacks. (just reaching for an excuse)

Maybe because it was a grey suit and not a black suit?

I just realized how yukky it was to have to share suits. For some reason it never dawned on me that I was wearing a suit that housed a bunch of other girls' chooch.

Fair enough. I guess I'm so much on team Alex because I lived it. My sister always let me know how much more attractive she was than me and how much value she (and the world) put on looks.

I see Alex as fighting back, which she can do well since she is clever.

I guess the I feel she should be much kinder to Alex and place more value than her looks and how many people she can sleep with. I guess that the amount of cruelty outweighs the rare moments of kindness she displays.

Gloria is quite kind to Alex.

no - but she's pretty mean to her sister. For no reason. She CONSTANTLY puts her down. And a lot of times it's about her looks or how Alex probably won't get laid. She's claire's mini-me. And once she hits a certain age, she'll just mean and selfish

I must be the only one happy when bad things happen to Hayley. She's such a narcissistic brat - I was cheering when her hair was on fire. She's EXACTLY like Claire - a self centered mean girl.

Thank. Thought I recognized him.

Hayley is far from "hilarious all the time." 90% of the time she is mean-girl vapid and insufferable.

I'll give you that - on a "family network show".

she deserved to be snarky. Her mother rewards bad behavior much more than she rewards good behavior. Wouldn't you react the same way?

She's a "mean girl" who has raised another "mean girl" (Hayley). No wonder she treats Alex (and Gloria) with extreme animosity - because of extreme jealousy.