
No, not “bingo.” Steroids can give a powerful edge to almost any athlete who abuses them. In the case of pitchers, the most important advantage they offer is in improving both stamina and recovery time.

Yes, I certainly think he is guilty of child molestation. But it’s the court’s decision to decide the severity of his sentencing, not mine. If I have experience with Hastert’s character, I should share that with the court so that they have more information with which to work. That’s what Kocher did.

Maybe it’s atypical but I can’t see anything wrong with it.

He is not an admitted molestor.

In this particular instance, Kocher’s letter will in fact be taken into consideration in reaching an appropriate sentence for Hastert.

I misunderstood; the letter was in fact written in support of Hastert ahead of his being sentenced for his illegally structured bank withdrawals. It will therefore not be used as evidence in a criminal trial. But the same principle still applies: Kocher’s letter may be important in determining the severity of

Yes, there is.

No, Hastert has not been found guilty of child molestation.

How do you know that Leo Kocher is a Republican?

What’s wrong with Kocher writing a letter of support?