Goody Weaver

Yeah, but Janice looked pretty rough for her age, and Natasha can play younger than she actually is. Either way, she'd be a million times better than Michelle Williams. That was absurd casting. Awful.

I guess I'm a dumbass, because I don't get the problem. Is it that the books would be ruined for people who watch the show? And why does Robert Kirkman give a rat's ass in the first place?

So you're mad at Bernie because he lived in Vermont while genuinely fighting for civil and human rights for a good 40 years? But don't understand why people wouldn't trust Hillary after she supported the crime bill, welfare to work, called our sons "super predators," supported every single trade bill that shipped our

I have loved Star Wars my entire life, and went into the prequels with the expectation to absolutely love them. The reality was that I found myself quite literally booing at the screen by the middle of the first film. Were there compelling parts of the story? Yeah, sure, I guess, but they were buried in the HORRIBLE