
The best part about your post Mark Schmidt is that you don't even have to watch the video lol. Clarkson is on his side before you hit play and it completely proves your point!

Now playing

Probably will turn about as good as a Robin.

Hmmm, classified stuff huh. That's too bad. Once it is operational, I think Mr. Gillies should make a civilian version of this.

A different one. It's somewhat north of Australia.

Why do people do this type of thing... Because there's still retards that customize vehicles. I remember when Supra tail light conversions were on everything from Civic to WRX's. That type of tasteless shit never made much sense to me. This idiot that basterdized a POS Expedition should be castrated. Then to top it

It looks like more of a Ferrari F2 replica than one of it's F1 cars...


I've seen some things, man. You wouldn't know. You weren't there.

So Ferrari are now employing Will.I.Am to head up their design department?

There's nothing inherently wrong with wub wub wub, but too much too often makes it less exciting and more eye roll inducing.

Any chance we could get a video that they haven't edited the fuck out of? The horrible dub step is easy enough to mute, but you didn't get a good look at what the damned car was doing. Just when it looked like something cool was about to happen -  SMASH CUT! INCREASE THE WOBBLE BASS! 

Someone was like "lets make an awesome video for audi" and then they got an awesome driver and a enthusiastic cameramen and much great footage was had.

Obviously, you didn't spend most of your days on the playground Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool
And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys, they were up to no good
Started making trouble in your neighbourhood
Got in one little fight and your mom got scared
And said "You're moving