Y’all too young to remember this?
My wish is that they will start a weed baking show. Basically like the Great British Show but where people make edibles and Martha Stewart and Snoop give critiques while already being high.
I was saddened that claiming the gauntlet didn’t boot half the players from the match...
I would love to see one of Melabia’s SoulCycle classes. I wonder what it looks like for someone to have spent so many years trying to create a soul for themselves.
You know, I could have gone for that degree in electrical engineering, like my Mom and Dad wanted me to, and right now I’d have a solid, useful career with job security that’s somewhat useful to society. Or alternatively, I could have said “fuck society, me me me,” and I could have got an MBA , and I might be making…
Yeah, it sounds like “She wants to still be involved in their lives, while I would rather treat them as distant friends. People I was at one time close with.”
There’s very little about Olympians that I find relatable. They train their entire lives to become one of the best…
Or the kids have been so sick that they’ve missed a lot of school, not to mention the repercussions of not having access to clean water. And the implication that a parent isn’t “decent” if they couldn’t leave the area is really fucked up, btw. Even middle and upper class people probably have a hard time leaving, how…
My ex-husband’s childhood memories came flooding out around around 38-39. He blew the world up around him, including me. It was horrific and brutal. We don’t speak anymore but as we parted, he was entering some intensive therapy so perhaps he’s finally getting to deal with all his demons. I’m still trying to forgive…
I want to break a bunch of laws and get sentenced to getting my second Ph.D.
Hmm, not sure why you’d expect such responses. Child pornography and pedophilia have been around for centuries so that shouldn’t be hard to “get.” And his look appears to be quite accessible, bringing together elements of hippie, punk and rap costume; there’s something from every generation’s avant-garde music culture…
That’s the point sailing over your head. No one is saying you can’t defend Woody Allen. What I’m saying is that it’s awfully suspect when someone creates a burner account 3 days ago, responds to no other articles and posts the same defense of Woody Allen over and over again. Woody Allen and Harvey Weinstein share a…
Interestingly, if you scroll said bot’s history all the way down, you’ll also find a post bashing Asia Argento with a made-up story. So there’s the link with that Leslie Whatserface PR person who also represents Harvey Weinstein.
Honey, if you could one see the ones I’ve dismissed... There were 2 who both created their burner accounts in the past 3 days and their entire comment history was just passionate Woody Allen defenses. Maybe if I dismiss them, they won’t get paid by the PR firm?
lol @ the thinking man’s michael cera.
My granFanda had a mixed bag of cattle types in her herd and I can tell you from experience that Limousins are obstreperous, indignant jackasses. Freedom cow will be fine.
Jesus. The fact that Marky Mark is in a position to approve or veto Christopher Plummer as a co-star (and I’m assuming Michelle Williams in initial casting) is just one more example of how far we’ve fallen as a people.