
I am mentally standing on my desk and slow-clapping you right now. *wipes tear away*

In 11 days, my family is going to drop me off for a week long trip. After 17 years of marriage and 2 kids, I cannot believe that I am going to be alone for that long. I don’t have to worry about what anyone else wants to eat, who needs to pee, kids picking at each other, etc. It is going to be a vacation from my whole

My book Dinosaga went to test printing today. In fact, just minutes before I started to write this. Now we just wait, hope everything goes well... and in august the first 5000 copies will be ready. D: The gif summarize exactly how I feel right now.

Pretty sure Ronan is referring to Scalia’s dissent.

Miley could no longer be half naked half the time in public making out with Victoria Secret’s models without being dubbed ‘skeevy’, ‘creepy’ or ‘thirsty’ that’s for sure. On the other hand, riding a wrecking ball would look pretty ridiculous.

There was no intention of condescension. In fact, it was recognition/appreciation that she gave up a lot when she decided to make the transition, and an empathetic understanding of how annoying it must be to behave the same but have your actions be interpreted differently.

Do you think if a famous person transitions from female to male, the tabloids will be like, “I don’t know what it is about Miles Cyrus, but he seems so much more confident lately. Yet more down-to-earth, somehow. More rational. More logical. Less squawky.”

I read it as more Tyler Durden and Fight Club. The guy is Mr. Robot and the other hackers think he is their boss.

At this point, I’m ready and willing to adopt Pablo.

We’re just gonna have a Jason Momoa appreciation thread okay?

Those ears are STRIKINGLY similar.

I am guessing it was dog v. lipgloss with the lip gloss as the clear victor. ( i have a corgi. she allows canoodling but not photos)



Answer: No.

I prefer percussive maintenance.

That is what I refer to as a “Technical Tap”.

Fuck you! I am so sick and fucking tired of assholes like you. Why don’t you come out your cowardly ass face and say what you mean. You’re a racist asshole who doesn’t see Black people as people and as such don’t care of the police act the fucking fool and brutalize them for no fucking reason. They wanted fucking