Thanks! Sharing.
Thanks! Sharing.
I’m an American, but newish to the U.S. Can someone explain to me if it’s possible for cities/states to say they’re refusing to give the Feds tax money and just keep it?
I feel like the death of animals might be the only thing that keeps her cold heart beating.
Totally saw her, and was like - who brought their pimp?!
Unless you’re a Nielsen (however it’s spelled) home, I don’t think it matters if you watch or not. I mean, I’m not tuning in because I don’t hate myself enough to do that, but if you tune in to point & laugh, I don’t think it will matter.
Came for the puns, and am being showered in their glory!
I’m going to crochet one!
You did it!
We don’t have cable either, so it’s internet watching for me, too. I think she’s on Wednesday nights now. I feel like that’s not a real ratings night, but it is a night that I almost never have anything on...
Yeah - our cats were on a GF food, but now that one of them is prone to stones, it’s back to the wheat. I always wash my hands after feeding them, have a separate scrubby for their stuff. It’s a lot of work to prevent cross-contamination, but having worms helps! I don’t have kids, just a husband, and he has seen me…
Unless you were talking about the citizenship. Where do you live now?
I was invited to a new friend’s house for Christmas, and straight up said no. I was like, it is too much to ask someone until we know each other better, or unless you’ve done a cleanse, or have your own food restrictions.
And just yesterday I was going on about how much I love Booker. 2017 already got me heartbroken.
I was born in Canada, but am a German and American citizen too! The Germans also love their traditions. There is a reason & a way (usually well researched) for everything.
This is probably the second saddest thing in the world right now. Sad like, I’m trying to pity Christie, but it’s so pathetic that I just can’t get there, cause it’s too sad for the effort.
Dear Sam Bee,
Yeah. Dating with MSN Chat or whatever it was called was awkward enough. I wouldn’t survive being single nowadays.
Me too! Like yeah, she should get a passport but: Ugggh. Annoying vegan. (And I’m a vegetarian with celiac, so I *know* annoying!)
Sounds like an extra-awkward, low-budget porno. But what do I know? I’m neither famous nor a billionaire. Oh wait, Trump’s only 50% of those things!
My favourite replies to people crying, ‘They’re celebrities! They should just shut up!’ are the ones that include versions of, ‘Okay! Let’s start with Donald Trump!’