
I like you. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Maybe all of the performers will get ‘sick’?

I am a legit Crazy Cat Lady, and I wouldn’t buy these for 1 easy payment of $29.98, let alone 4.

All I can think of is how a meal that rich would fuck with their digestive systems. Like a fancier meal would be really nice & celebratory, but wouldn’t everyone end up with the poops after that? What do I know? My gut’s a delicate flower.


Your friend *is* crazy! I totally would (and have) spent $5000 on my rescue cat. 😺 In fact, he is such a troublemaker, we are easily up to $10k. The other one has been way less expensive.

Was just checking the comments to see if anyone else was like: Who the fuck keeps a KKK song in the back of their mind, just in case this kind of ‘totally not racially motivated’ situation, where you’re totally not raping someone with a fucking coat hanger, comes up? I’m fairly certain that only racists and their…

I wonder too. Partly because I really have no idea, and wonder if they just do it for fun, or give the money away. Like, what do the guest actors get paid on SVU? How do you decide?

What the fucking fuck? Why can’t people just fuck the hell off out of women’s bodies?!

Old white dudes were expected to vote for Drumpf. Educated white women weren’t expected to react so positively to him bragging about grabbing women by the pussy.

Maps showing if only X voted. Sticking with blaming my fellow white women on this on.

You’re right, not all white women voted for him, but a shocking number did. I live in California, so I know 1 person who voted for him here. And I may not know her much longer, since we had a very frank conversation where I refuted her ‘facts’ about Hillary & Drumpf.

People he’s going to hire for the new state-run T.V. News Network?

We should probably blame white women. Not even being sarcastic.

I don’t have to take back my hate of the RHCP just because I’m basically in love with Mack now, right?

Please. Jesus would be too busy trying not to get beaten to death or booted out of this place to run for an election.

Yeah - I just kinda meant that there are so many more instances of men somehow coming to the decision that kidnapping and/or holding women hostage seems like a good idea. Don’t get me wrong, I get that there’s a bigger ideology of ownership & privilege, etc. at play. But really? It’s just *so* many.

Is it just me, or are there a lot more of these stories than I expect? (Gives partner side-eye.)

Even with the crazy mark-up: Heroes.

Me talking to Trump supporter today: