
Chris Brown looks rough.

A lot of Clorox went into the making of this video, and I’m not even talking about the clothes.

Proof money can’t buy taste.

I cannot stand his films. And completely unrelated, I cannot stand him. They are both annoying, and bland, and uuugh. And since he is also creepy and seems to be a pedo - that’s three strikes.

The SPCA will price match.

Why would feminists be upset if they kissed?

I don't think people are scared of Trump. People are appalled and amused by him though.

Does Blac Chyna have a piercing on her chest? I really like that, except that it’s not off-centre enough to make me not question if it’s a mistake.

Her toe nails are so long it's distracting me. :o(

Could we please get Olivia Benson on this? The last Law & Order LA didn’t work, but this could definitely be a cross-over.

Does this take into consideration whether the person has been married before? Like, if I married young, got divorced, and got remarried at 32, is there a less or greater chance that this applies, or is this for first marriages?

Was coming here to say this. But you brought a gif, so you extra win.

I read what you said, and sort of didn't believe you/let it fully register and clicked. I kind of hate us both right now. :o(

I accept!

You can hope, but I'm pretty sure it didn't happen.

Totally not into lace collars for myself, but I am into appreciation. So: Holy shiz balls, you’ve got skillz. It’s truly a craftwork; very well made, and beautiful. Well done! And to top it off, you gift it to the baddest badass in the country? You win. Everything. I don’t know you, but I’m proud of you! Yay you!

What can you expect when you let a baby run free-range? I mean, it does warrant a time-out.

The more I see her curated Instagram parties, the more I like her! Also, if that's a the giant Slip & Slide that I think it is, I'm going to try to get famous so that I can go to her parties. Or buy/rent one myself.

Yeah, cause it wouldn’t.

And this is what people fear ‘the gays will ruin!’ Pretty sure there can only be improvements on the sanctity of marriage.