
Oh....whoa....this fool isn’t wearing a Wakanda Black Panther shirt. He’s wearing a fuckin’ Huey Newton Black Panther shirt. Nah. You can’t do that. You

You’re either an idiot or obscenely rich. I guess it could be both.

Everyone is assigned a “value” or “need” in the US too, and it’s based on how much you can pay. Fuck off you swine

So, you’d prefer a system where some bureaucrat who doesn’t really know you gets to decide whether you’re worth spending money on or whether you should just be left to die/deal with whatever you’re dealing with? No thanks...

In the UK, the stupid pills you take would be much cheaper.

You don’t know shit, shut the fuck up.

So, you’d prefer a system where some bureaucrat who doesn’t really know you gets to decide whether you’re worth spending money on or whether you should just be left to die/deal with whatever you’re dealing with?”

Yea, it is fantastic to have faceless, profit obsessed companies dictating what medical treatment you can receive.

You just described private health insurance. Only the corporate bureaucrat in question is personally financially incentivized to deny you coverage.

The UK isn’t officially federalised, as we are unitary, so we just call it a ‘general election’.

REALLY now??! Amazon was going to create 25,000 jobs in New York paying an average of $150k? Let me smoke some of what you’ve got. Fucking hell...

Spare us your sanctimony. Those jobs wouldn’t come out of the local population, they would ship them in. And they still wouldn’t pay taxes ether state or federal. No one invites a dragon into town expecting prosperity. Only fools worship the wealthy.

I bet you think publicly funded sports stadiums are good for cities too.

The best Star Wars movie of the last decade was Rogue one and it barely had any force users in it though. Nah, Star Wars is at its best when its dealing with new and interesting things, like The Mandalorian is. No need for grafted on space magic unless the story calls for it.

Jason, I normally complain if you cancel a game with your mystic powers.

I would imagine Semenya would be offended by being compared to a trans woman

Caster Semenya, the trans woman from South Africa

She isn’t trans though. The controversy surrounding her having high levels of testosterone has led to her being been unfairly targeted by the IAAF, but the issue of trans athletes in sport is completely different, which I thought this episode satirized quite well.

This was a great episode. (I actually thought AVClub would give it an F so I’m surprised by the C-). Also, who are the two cis white guys from Canada who shouldn’t be offering their opinions on trans issues?  (Trey and Matt are from Colorado).

But we can see that tummy roll