
I was also going to nominate Escape From Beer Mountain COLON! A Rope of Sand.

I assumed the same! Stellar.

I assumed the same! Stellar.

I wouldn't want to challenge a gay wager, or [insert portmanteau here], but I'm pretty sure that the fascination transcends all boundaries. That is, if you take into account how much irony was flying around Back Then.

I wouldn't want to challenge a gay wager, or [insert portmanteau here], but I'm pretty sure that the fascination transcends all boundaries. That is, if you take into account how much irony was flying around Back Then.

Agreed. I feel like this season had more classic episodes than most drama television seasons.

Agreed. I feel like this season had more classic episodes than most drama television seasons.

Well, it's definitely not on the same caliber but it had some interesting ideas. Unfortunately Cooke has no idea how to write the Comedian, which is the first worrying thing about this project.

Well, it's definitely not on the same caliber but it had some interesting ideas. Unfortunately Cooke has no idea how to write the Comedian, which is the first worrying thing about this project.

Agreed, @iodizedsalt on Nine Stories. Such a wonderful, devastating, darkly funny, interlocking collection.

Agreed, @iodizedsalt on Nine Stories. Such a wonderful, devastating, darkly funny, interlocking collection.

I didn't have a problem with the kiss, really. I mean, for Marnie it was out of what  TVDW outlined, but I guess I assumed that Jessa is bisexual.

I didn't have a problem with the kiss, really. I mean, for Marnie it was out of what  TVDW outlined, but I guess I assumed that Jessa is bisexual.

I don't comprehend.

I don't comprehend.

At least make an attempt to explain why you think so.

At least make an attempt to explain why you think so.

Well, it's only sports. I'm sure your children are awesome at things that are important.