
Well, it's only sports. I'm sure your children are awesome at things that are important.

Should we care this much about sports, specifically major league sports, and if yes, why?

Should we care this much about sports, specifically major league sports, and if yes, why?

From what I've heard thus far this is a decent album. Listen to Whet. I don't think AV Club has reviewed it but it's pretty great, despite unavoidable (yet not negative) comparisons in relation to Sonic Youth.

From what I've heard thus far this is a decent album. Listen to Whet. I don't think AV Club has reviewed it but it's pretty great, despite unavoidable (yet not negative) comparisons in relation to Sonic Youth.

@avclub-bc3e14e2ab565f7787d753233df681d1:disqus  I guess season 4 was really heavy on Kenneth. Could be considered a disaster if you're sick of his mugging and his stupid "winking-at-the-camera" smiles, and generally one-note jokes.

@avclub-bc3e14e2ab565f7787d753233df681d1:disqus  I guess season 4 was really heavy on Kenneth. Could be considered a disaster if you're sick of his mugging and his stupid "winking-at-the-camera" smiles, and generally one-note jokes.

Maybe in pure quote-ability terms, but I really feel like season 4 was kind of a disaster. Season 6, while containing decent episodes, was fairly tiresome. I feel like the show's forgotten how to use its ensemble. Outside of Leap Day, where were there any good moments for Pete, Jonathan, Grizz, DotCom, Frank, Cerie,

Maybe in pure quote-ability terms, but I really feel like season 4 was kind of a disaster. Season 6, while containing decent episodes, was fairly tiresome. I feel like the show's forgotten how to use its ensemble. Outside of Leap Day, where were there any good moments for Pete, Jonathan, Grizz, DotCom, Frank, Cerie,

Did Bill Murray just dare us to try and mug him?

Did Bill Murray just dare us to try and mug him?

Obligatory Season Rankings:
1. Season 2
2. the second half of Season 1 (let's say from The Rural Juror onward, roughly)
3/4. Season 3 & 5 (they're both pretty great)
5. First little part of Season 1

Obligatory Season Rankings:
1. Season 2
2. the second half of Season 1 (let's say from The Rural Juror onward, roughly)
3/4. Season 3 & 5 (they're both pretty great)
5. First little part of Season 1

Who's there?

Who's there?

That's the spirit! Well, let's hope your special day is more of a you-get-to-blow-up-a-Challenger-while-listening-to-The-Pretenders situation and not a you-get-cancer situation.

That's the spirit! Well, let's hope your special day is more of a you-get-to-blow-up-a-Challenger-while-listening-to-The-Pretenders situation and not a you-get-cancer situation.

Goddamn, I love the visuals and the score already. That really set me on edge. I am incredibly excited for this. It's a big, bright, shining star of a teaser.

Goddamn, I love the visuals and the score already. That really set me on edge. I am incredibly excited for this. It's a big, bright, shining star of a teaser.

Well… that's why they call it money.