
Well… that's why they call it money.

The weirdest boner?

The weirdest boner?

Respect, NFET. I rate this 5 Thumbs out of 5!

Who is Hannibal? And Who Killed Rosie Larsen?? Find out on the Season 2 Finale of Hannibal (Season 1 premiering this fall!)

Seconded, eh?

I watched it all in the summer of 2009. So, basically, I am Part Of The Problem.

Oh you're in full on head-scratching, nitpicking mode! Warms the heart.

Full disclosure: laughed pretty hard at this. Simple yet brilliant joke. Caught me off guard. Immensely creative. Well done!

I was right in the middle of the Idler Wheel inside a fucking reptile zoo! And somebody was the Driver of the booze Screw to these goddamn things! It wont be long now, before these Whipping Cords tear us to shreds more than Ropes will ever do.

Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.

I can't remember of another time where a show squandered so much potential. Except of course I can because that statement can be said about both The Killing and The Walking Dead. Although I've never been on board with TWD, I at least watched its 2nd season. I won't be doing that for The Killing, which (to be fair) did

"…though progressive thinker Todd VanDerWerff wouldn’t hesitate to open Olson-VanDerWerff with her."

If you love this show so much, then why don't you MARRY IT?!

@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus , in your final Deadwood review you say, "…and Milch’s long-standing plan for how to end the series might have
conspired to create an ending that would have been perhaps too cynical
for a show so imbued with a sense of what it means to be a person living
in a larger

It was dippin' and dappin' and all o' that was haaaap'nin.

I'm turning 21 later this year and will (barring any sort of apocalypse, personal or worldwide) graduate with a BA in English but I still have to struggle with feelings of uselessness, despair, lack of opportunity, disappointment, etc.

I used to kinda look like [ADMISSION OF EMBARRASSING CELEBRITY], but now I think I look more like [REALLY COOL-LOOKING CELEBRITY]. Maybe in the future I will look like [INCREDIBLY AWESOME CELEBRITY].

I completely agree with what you're saying, Scrawler. I almost feel like I have to make myself believe that the show was making some sort of comment on how the wackiness — part of the split personality within this season — really has gotten in the way (the barrage of impressionists, everyone playing copies of other