
This dude gets it.

@avclub-d89b833158f0d9a73fd33bb243fe5786:disqus  or hopefully just an alert nerd?

I'm so glad to hear other people noticed this. Stellar.

Speaking of connecting dots, did anyone else notice Annie humming the very same tune that Abed hummed in "Horror Fiction in 7 Spooky Steps" and that Troy was humming as he walked out of the fort right after Annie stepped on Abed's special Dark Knight dvd in "Foosball & Nocturnal Vigilantism"?

Frankly, Crying Batman, I don't give a Dean.

I think only Dawes gets the joke at this point.

The prominence of Louise Fletcher as Peggy in the last few episodes has been an improvement, I think. Have to agree that the time spent on Steve/Estefania is a huge dead spot in the show, but pairing Frank up with Ian and Fiona over the last few weeks has led to some of the strongest scenes in the show thus far. The

Not sure if eating noodles qualifies as trying too hard. Damn if it wasn't effective.

Possible counter-example: Flight of the Conchords

Is there something radically new and different about awkward comedy in 2012 than in the last decade?

Stop being so accurate!

Just curious: what did you take issue with in the back half of season 2?

So…AMC can un-cancel Rubicon now, right? Hello?

Name is hyphenated now. Are we sure this is the same person? You really can't trust people with hyphens, you know. I know this because of reasons.


I know the people who made this! I have nothing else to contribute to this reasonable discussion!

Also: Insomnia. Not the film. I've suffered from insomnia ever since I saw Dead Poet's Society.

Jimmy Buffett, everybody!

Well, I hope you all enjoy Marsh Thingamajig when it hits stores next month.

We exclude him— uhh, I mean he's a windbag because we admire his work.