
Quite a while back when Bloodborne first came out, I and my male friend played it. We both had wildly different experiences with the story. I told him there was some serious body-horror cringe for me, what with all the “celestial” pregnancies, and everything about Yharnam was borderline emotionally painful for me,

If you value life so much why were you in favor of kids killing their parents and grand parents by spreading covid? If you value life so much why are you against safe sex and ending the transmission of stds? If you value life so much why are you against making pregnancy safer?

The game is 7 years old. Additionally how would someone trying who hasn’t played the game before know this was an ending or even what they were looking at in that screenshot?

Who would have guessed that a company namedNordic Empire Games” would develop a game about murdering civil rights protesters?

I’m at the very end of the base game, but not pulling the trigger on ending it because I still haven’t beaten the shark bros, orphan and Ludwig in the extension. I would have never thought the screenshot is from the ending. In fact it was unclear to me what is even going on in the picture

Can’t wait for the handful of crypto dorks to roll in here talking about how Kotaku never says anything nice about NFTs and no one understand their potential except for them and it’s all so unfair because how are they ever going to become fake crypto Pokémon pyramid scheme landlords if people know that it’s just a

But your comment provided ZERO examples of how it can be used correctly.  You spouted a bunch of analogies, and that’s it.  Like an NFT, nothing of value.  

(whispers) “Buddy, the grift is the use for it

Nah man you don’t get it man it’s like decentralized and shit, you know? Like, it’s like, there’s not like The Man telling us how to um...I mean shit it’s like decentralized dawg, know what I mean?

“Um, I would name one thing, but you’d have to be like super-super-smart like me to understand it, which you are not, so um I can’t tell you. Also its a secret”

However, as a technology, just like how when cloud servers first started, it doesn’t do anything that monolithic servers can’t already do. But as the time goes on and the companies decided it’s cheaper to outsource servers to be on the cloud, it is now the backbone of most of the technology.”


That’s what the blockchain is. There are only a handful of instances where it’s useful, but in those instances, it’s one of the best technologies for that specific application.”

It’s a very simple question: exactly what, specific thing does an NFT enable a person to do that is better enough than any other method to justify doing it with NFT?

This is a very eloquent and rational-sounding rebuttal that avoids the usual name-calling and I thank you for it.

No, but they are collectable from the estate...
If your parents say owe $10,000 to a credit card, that will come out of any money in their estate assets (bank account, savings, motor vehicles, house, etc) and it’s the legal responsibility of the executor of the estate to see that such funds are distributed

Actually there are three cases where someone else gets your medical debt when you die

Ah, if only those people had somehow thought to apply and be approved for high-limit credit cards and put all of their debt on to them before dying.  That would’ve been the smart move.

It befits a conference created by the makers of a gaming webcomic that premiered in 1998.