
Yeah, I’m getting pretty tired of the smug “if you really loved him you’d value the relationship more than a piece of jewelry” attitude. There’s emotional blackmail, and then there’s just being honest about what you want and need so the other person can make an informed decision.

Yeah, I’m getting pretty tired of the smug “if you really loved him you’d value the relationship more than a piece of jewelry” attitude. There’s emotional blackmail, and then there’s just being honest about what you want and need so the other person can make an informed decision.

Because Berger is the most common type of Shitty Boyfriend. He came into the relationship as the Sad Ex-Boyfriend, but he kept fragments of his past relationship and subjected Carrie to them. He was a mediocre writer that couldn’t take criticism — and he knew he was mediocre, but instead of accepting and working with

Agreed. But truly Carrie was the worst girlfriend, so they kind of deserved each other.

Unrelated question: we can all agree Jack Berger was the worst bf on Sex and the City, right?

Eh, the incident you are talking about wasn’t really about that. It was more based on the very common theme in any job where folks roles with respect to each other are not clearly defined and then someone steps on someone’s toes and someone gets mad. The Director Jason, who is the “talented, but problematic” Director