
Most military guys (as well as the cops who want to be military guys but were too scared to actually sign up) I know are the types that vote strictly republican. In fact, most of the people I know that vote republican knew who they were voting for in this election before they actually knew the name on the ballot.

Based on Trumps statements on POW McCain and the Khan family, if you are in the military and voted for him, you should be examined by a mental health professional. McCain could be you, the Kahns could be your family.

Reminder: you didn’t click on an article titled The Case for Donald Trump Being Disapproved by the The Majority of U.S. Military Personnel

Of course it is. One of these entries says just that.

Oh, cool, I was looking for easy ways to invalidate their personal experiences.

This is certainly not a statistically representative sample of the military. But it is far from meaningless.