
LOOK at the shit kickers on those boats. He’s like 40% shoe. You could balance on one of Elon Musk’s rockets leaving the atmosphere -Silver Surfer style - with those Kodiak war boots.

I am still embarrassed thinking back to 21, when I thought of myself as complicated, deep, too wounded to love! And the WORST part was wearing that “damage” - clear the roads you guys, product of divorced middle-class parent barreling down the highway, if you get hit (and you will with my love) don’t say you weren’t

At first, I hated the whole premise and thought it was stupid / missed the point of “The Process”. But hey, then I read it all and you know what? Albert swayed me! Keep and open mind, kids. Convinced me that Hinkie’s thought-boobery is on par with Lacob’s inability or unwillingness to recognize success he wasn’t a