Could Roger Goodell issue a suspension so heavy-handed that not even he could lift it?
Could Roger Goodell issue a suspension so heavy-handed that not even he could lift it?
“It’s like this. You know, there’s some girl you got the hots for and, uh, you know, she dumps you after she catches you rifling through her shoes in the closet with your dick out. And every guy in here can relate to this.”
Am I wrong in thinking that Rex would be a historically fantastic DC?
This. Don’t worry, Amy. There are a ton of people pulling for you to finish up way ahead of three months.
Seeing as this is clearly gambling and there’s really no solid case to be made otherwise, the smart push would be to utilize the massive userbase as an example of the nationwide demand for sports betting and push to legalize it nationwide. It’d most likely fail, but it’s easier to prove that people like to bet on…
Hell yes. Didn’t the founder of Draft Kings already basically admit on HBO that he started this shit to get in low, sell high and cash out? I wouldn’t trust that guy to extend his payment schedule.
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Yeah, you made it clear that this all hypothetical, but that changes nothing of importance because you also made it clear that this is how you would feel if presented with this set of circumstances.
Those moments are great. I acknowledge and support (?) them when they happen. I just don’t need them like you do. Just because you’re unhappy doesn’t mean everyone is. You can be happy, too! It’s totally doable.
“It’s rare for both partners to have a perfect one-to-one understanding of the others boundaries and communication about those are part of a normal, honest, and healthy relationship.”
No, you obviously do not trust your partner. All those other words were entirely unnecessary.
If you ever feel uncomfortable letting your partner “out of your sight” and it’s not because you’re attempting to escape a tiger-filled jungle, just end it. Phone call, e-mail, text, face to face, whatever. Just get out.
This. Putting the blame on the third party, unless you think they’re planning to drug/rape your partner (which is a whole other thing), is just a roundabout way of saying you don’t trust your partner without actually saying it.
Fuck him. I feel terrible for his poor wife.
May whatever diety she proclaims loyalty to grant whatever poor woman you marry some peace in her few and fleeting moments of solitude.
So this is where we set the bar for “brave” “heroes”: sitting and reading a book in a public space under zero duress or pressure.
So the UFC is fixing fights for no actual goal or gain as an entity, but you believe the man/men who own it made tremendous personal investments to gain ownership and are now placing the legitimacy, mainstream acceptance, legalization and future of the company on the edge of a cliff in order to win wagers that are a…
So how, in this scenario, does the UFC benefit from the gamblers and bookies making money?
A combination of drugs, rule changes and the fact that Pride was crooked as fuck.
If the UFC fixes fights to make money, they do a really shitty job of it considering all the prospective big money fights that have been derailed by upset losses/wins.