Did you really miss the joke? Wow...
It is.
How lucky are we that the first and second times this has ever happened it was caught on video!
I always find it funny when dealership employees or any employee for that matter make fun of people who can’t afford a $200k car or other pricy stuff. Dude, you are a sales employee. You can’t afford that shit either, so don’t act all mighty.
Bury it and turn it into a jump...
This post is why I casually like the VW busses but will never buy one. The pricing is beyond absurd for a tin can shitbox with no horsepower.
Before they finally kill it, they will require 478 updates, each of which will try to force a McAfee install.
Nice TNG reference in your screen name. Kudos.
I wonder how Trump could get people to take us less seriously.
Man, I never noticed them on the Demon but those bolt on flares look like something you would buy from Autozone to bolt on your Silverado. It doesn’t match the rest of the car at all.
If we think about the human gut versus a dog gut, one of the reasons that dogs do a lot better smelling and eating stuff that would probably kill us is that their digestive system is so short that it moves right through them.
Yeah, after careful review, I’ve determined I need to wake up.
The blonde? The woman in the bikini top?
LS swap?
You didn’t really explain why Mattis is a bad person beyond working in the administration. My understanding is that he is a generally good person who is respected by pretty much everyone (except bloggers who wanted to the list to appear as long as possible).
Thanks for putting into words and researching what I was feeling all along. Although a lot of anti-terrorism laws are approaching a 1984 level of intrusion, the fact remains that terror acts (in the vast majority are being committed by muslim fanatics). Although we should fight against some of the liberties being…
...Esquilin was placed under arrest and handcuffed (behind his back, for the safety of everyone involved) and placed into the back seat of a police cruiser. Expecting a short ride to the police station, he was notably confused when the ride took approximately 17 hours. The officer then took him out of the cruiser and…
Considering Sarah Palin normalized rank stupidity, I’d say there’s (at least) one other prominent dipshit he’s got to apologize for.