Good Old Ross

You’re assuming her race. Makes you racist too, doesn’t it?

I live in L.A. and I’ve got a ‘99 Corolla that use only to commute. I absolutely hate it, but the damn thing keeps on running! Recommended.

No. Just. No.

Agreed. I owned a ‘78 Celica GT back then. Loved it, lusted after a Supra.

He needs to smile more. He’s too serious.

Sure, take it as win. You just set your state back 25 years.

Her real name is Rachel. Boom! mind blown!

I think everyone’s missing the point here. Sure, hackers and sure, listening in to private conversations could be a problem. I’m old, so the wife and I only talk about the latest headlines, the weather, traffic and InfoWars.

...or fish off the company pier.

I don’t get it. Leave Boyle Heights alone. There’s a whole area not too far from there called appropriately, “The Arts District”. Use it!

Is safe to say that Nicki is sexually assaulting herself? Do we really know if she gave herself permission to touch her breast or simulate cunnilingus on herself? People need to know these things! 

CP White walls, the luggage rack and Zip ties.. really? OMG, I can only imagine what the duct tape has been used for. You know somethings been duct taped. Oh, and it’s too blue.

Spot on. My wife just texted me about Uber at LAX in 2020 and she doesn’t read Giz.

I guess I can relate to this more than I want to admit. Growing up in the 60's and the 70's. Yup, Dad was too busy working or something else. Always. I have no recollection of him being present during any Cub Scouts or Little League events.

esp. on Ann Margret... many faps were made. tmi?? sorry.

barely... Watching WotC, I keep thinking of a recent study showing exactly the opposite. Social media sucks for looking for criminals. Despite having Piven, it made it to my “Do Not Watch” list :/

Really? It’s an old movie. Trust me it won’t ruin it for you.

...and Ann Margret

Exactly! Stopped watching after 2nd episode.