Good Old Ross

I’m starring ya just for being in Macedonia!

I agree 100%. Just the most recent show he’s on, that I know of. Notice the last part.

I’m no exception, and it’s not about me. I get that. Thats the dad from the Goldbergs. The actors name is Jeff Garlin.

A menace

And here all this time I thought that the “clicky” was to remind one that the turn signals are on. TIL

It’s not how Kenji does it.

Does this look like it’s animated to anyone else? It does to me.

Would this sites reporters, and I use that term loosely, whine as much about every god damn thing if a Democrat had been elected??

It’s a commercial from the 70's that ran in the Los Angeles area. Wally Thor School of Truckin’!

She deserved it. Be rude, get slapped.

Nice truck. You do some awesome work! I’m still looking for an affordable 4Runner from that era. I don’t think it’s gonna happen, what with the crazy pricing and all...

I found this line interesting as well:

People kill other people. Sometimes they use guns. Othertimes they use something else. Like cars or knives or their hands or rocks . Do we outlaw or cry out for rock control? Lord knows someone might get hit with one of those little missles.

It’s ok. Pelosi didn’t have a clue (still doesn’t, but that’s another subject) what was in Obama’s plan. She came right out and admitted that she hadn’t read it.

Yep! That’s the plan. Punish all the women for voting for Hillary, excempting all prior conditions (which includes anything and everything), and completely destroying the United States.
