Interesting article. Could you do one for Sony?
Interesting article. Could you do one for Sony?
I’m really surprised that nobody included one of the greatest opening tracks and / or mood setters, Time’s Scar from Chrono Cross. When I played through this game as a teen, I’d watch the entire opening cinematic (sometimes multiple times) before loading my file. Certainly doesn’t hurt that the cinematic that goes…
But... He’s literally playable xD You can control him and everything! He’s not the main character sure but an NPC...
Nearly any game where you can create a story within the story: Skyrim and the first two Dragon Age games especially. There’s something to understanding how the game “works” to craft the playthrough that you want, but nothing replicates the first-time sense of discovery.
This. I have play all of the DQs in DS and 3DS (Except DQ8, which I played first on PS2). I prefer DQ portable and I do not demand great graphics.
As others have said, there will be a Switch port of the Ps4 version.
See you on father’s day Tucker ;)
Thats 4 minutes longer than I expected.
*looks at watch* that only took four minutes
Good question, Riley! I will be finishing Fire Emblem: Awakening.
You can say that again.
GTA V and RDR are two of the greatest games ever made, and LA Noire was a huge disappointment, so I’m gonna have to disagree.
Ah, he’s not the first Guy to be burned by a McGregor. Or shot. Or stabbed. Or beaten to death with a stick.
Yeah... but how do you explain the fact that all 1st person shooters would be better in 3rd person?
It seems like every anime with Japanese people gets a white cast and the rare ones with a white cast get cast as Japanese.
Why is it beyond mega? I’m not watching the show, serously curious if Mega has anything to do with that form