
Attorney: Mrs. Morrison, can you be sure your husband did not have HIV despite evidence to the contrary?

“In college, I was up under this microscope everywhere I went.”

can't wait to hear sour shoes totally rip this apart

I think you are looking at Yoda wrong. He isn’t all lively and full of energy in the prequels. He is old, near death. He walks around all hunchbacked and slow because he is old. But because he is powerful in the force he can draw upon it for tremendous feats. Whether it’s stopping the big metal beam from killing Obi

The way I took it was that Erika & John grew up in the town (hence, Virgil still lived there). Virgil had molested John as a kid and Erika & John ended up marrying eachother. Erika later found out and cut her father out of the picture