Good news

Okay, I’ll bite. Why not.

It’s not just about this actor. What is the core of the joke? That Lea Michele is illiterate. Why is that funny? Because there’s no way a successful and talented person could be successful and talented and not be able to read and write. Surely there aren’t people like that in the real world, right? Not in the one in

Wow. Great artical. And great discussion. I feel put to shame at how educated everyone is on the issues they care about. I’m a white woman (I think - my mom was adopted), and I thought I was progressive and been angry about women’s rights issues. But do I know the name of any victims or current heroes for what I

maybe... asshole bosses should not be the norm... and holding them accountable is a step towards that....?!?!?

Irrational thought of the day: I deserve to meet a panda just as much, if not way more.

Fuck Ethan Kath. Fuck him for purporting that this is all fiction. I’m so glad that the vast majority of people are looking at this and not victim-blaming (ignoring a glaring exception in this comment section, ahem), because staying in an abusive situation is the work of emotional/psychological manipulation.

Even the Porg couldn’t escape Jaba’s wrath...

Won’t you help me spring

I’m sorry, I’m not a member of PETA, but this persistent misinformation really bums me out. There is plenty to criticize about their ad campaigns to be sure, but that is not their philosophy and is NOT why they have a high kill rate.

Please stop spreading misinformation. PETA is not at all against responsible pet ownership; they simply acknowledge that the long history of breeding animals for domestication has led to a lot of animal suffering (which it’s hard to deny is true). From their website:

Contrary to myth, PETA does not want to confiscate

Rey was never a Mary Sue. She was a Skywalker.


I was born in 83. I’ve waited my whole life for a woman to be the Jedi hero in a Star Wars film and now every time I see Rey with a lightsaber I swoon for the rest of the day! I’m so happy!

I don’t think of it as utility. My cats are freaking worthless assholes but I love them to death and would kill anyone who tried to hurt them. I would never condone eating domestic cats but I actually didn’t use cats as an example on purpose because of their ability to revert to being feral within a generation or so.

Yes, this would be astonishing.

lol you wish you could quit.

My husband—who didn’t grow up with L&O—watched a few episodes of Grace & Frankie and said he didn’t find Sam Waterston believable as a lawyer.

Yes! This! My husband is trilingual & speaks Malay language with his family. But we live in Japan. While I was studying Japanese and he was fluent it was hard to practice together because we had been together speaking only English for ten years. He told me ‘I look at Little Brother and think in Malay, I look at you

I went to college with him. I can confirm that he is that genuinely sweet and adorable in real life all the time.