Good news

Thanks, but I get it. :P As I said in my original comment, I was grossly simplifying the metaphorical conceit in order to clarify that the edit didn’t remove Riley’s emotions; it removed the conceit that each emotion was an anthropomorphized creature with its own free will and personal drama. The emotions stayed, the

I can see how you’d think that but, fortunately, that’s not actually what’s going on. This is a bit of a simplification, but in the movie there are two “stories” going on simultaneously, the outside world (as shown in the version above) and the inside world (represented by multiple characters with their own

“The first game was one of few FPS games back then to have such a huge back story and fleshed out characters.”

It’s a dark, foggy morning and I’m home alone at the breakfast table, listening to the new Adele song and watching this gif. It is the weirdest emotional cocktail. It’s like half my face is laughing and the other is moon-eyed and weeping.

Sure. The new Star Wars trailer premiered during halftime of a football game. Nicole is pretending that they thought the football game was the trailer.

Except that was NOT a good game of football!

I know you’ll be frustrated by all the replies from the goofballs who don’t get what you did here. But I want you to know: L-O-fucking-L. A+

Cinemark has been working perfectly, I only just now bought my tickets. I had given up hope, but actually called around to a couple theaters who said they’re selling them at the window, but no one’s coming by since they’re (presumably) trying to get them online. Posting this so other people will get a chance! Try to