
I’ve belonged to both and could not disagree more. While the environment at a local gym (and this goes for CF as well) may appear more social and inviting, they tend to be super cliquey because the gym is a social environment so people establish gym friendships and groups.

The econo-box gyms don’t lend themselves to

I have never sent a shirtless photo to a woman I did not want to have sex with because that would be weird and creepy and absolutely signal that I wanted to have sex with them.

This is some serious Old Man Who Hits Underspin On Every Shot game.

He is. He gained sentience and escaped Axe Laboratories, and after an impassioned defense by Clarence Darrow, he was allowed to continue living in the wild, albeit under close government supervision.

I am still getting over the fact that Sage Northcutt isn’t an Axe Body Spray scent

Probably one of the weirdest parts was the $50-75 price point...none of it makes any sense but how could he think that this was “legit” when that will barely get you a lapdance in a strip club with a willing legal participant?

of course he was. He probably has the affidavit all typed up on his computer and was just getting ready to send it when his computer crashed, and he was like “eh, I’ll just retype it after I gather the evidence.”

“I just met the guy with the van in the parking lot to see if there really was an underage girl to have sex with. You know, out of curiosity. Not out of wanting to have sex with her. Y’all are gross.”

I’m always torn by this stuff.

Buffon’s heartwrenching Tribute in case it hasn’t been posted already:

Some smart GM is going to get the steal of the draft with this kid because everyone else will be too busy tripping over the fact that he is missing a hand and he’ll still be sitting there in the 3rd round. I know my team, The Giants, will never touch him, because they are so risk adverse in the draft it’s pathetic.

Too bad Trump was in FL, he missed his chance to run out there unarmed to stop the shooter.

But, with Tim Curry's health being what it is, who would be running around like a madman explaining how it was done?

Now that's a show I would watch.

I'd imagine the odds are 0%, so I don't know how they could be worse than that unless they're secretly murdering each other.

I called Corinne a few weeks ago and, by the morning, she was totally over Nick.

I agree, but Nick is more garbage then usual.

Where does JATS say it bothers them? They're just noting why Cardinal Fang would utter the complaints he does.

"Get a life", he says to the professional TV critic critiquing a show in its social context.

Because if you look up his comment history, he often comments at Breitbart and other such sites. That's probably why.