Good Loisaida

Because all three suddenly “up and dying” at once in the like 7 hour period you were at school, with no warning signs, is suspect as fuck?

I don’t get it. They died? She killed them? Fed them to a neighbor’s snake? What?

Trump is like a sentient Onion article that doesn’t realize it was born in satire.

You can be as annoyed as you want. But willow smith has a LOT of help writing and producing songs. She’s claiming that she did it all on her own and I think that most likely she doesn’t even recognize the amount of help she had.

“My first album in my entire career,” find “my ancient soul,” I mean... there is much to snicker at. It's called nepotism, Willow, and you have a spectacular case of it.

I mean... I’m sure she wrote some lyrics and worked really hard. I’m sure she was very involved but I don’t believe for one second that she “wrote and produced almost all the tracks on the album” anymore than you should believe that the Smith kids DON’T have a whole bunch of professional adults picking projects just

They’re racists. Lack of education has always been the problem for these turds.

Sikh and Islam are completely different religions which aren’t remotely related to each other. It’s like racists aren’t even trying to educate themselves anymore.

Your parents shouldn’t have to do that, though. And if you have an Irish-sounding name, people aren’t unable to guess your race, they are simply guessing that you are probably white. Whiteness is not a non-race while everyone else has a race. The way we are brainwashed to think that way is part of the problem.

I hate the trend of having a fit over the trends of the moment and acting like your special because of it. There’s a sort of irony in this “I’m so above this, I don’t just do what everyone else does” that so fricking many people do. The trite culture of complaining about trite culture. If you don’t like it don’t do

Right? Like goddamn Madeleine, maybe sit a few plays out.

my mother, natch.

This is possibly the most humorless thing I’ve read in a while. “#Adulting” is obviously a joke, meant to be taken as such. Most of the time I see it, it’s used by the person saying it to skewer themselves for being childish or lazy, not to garner praise.

It’s also basically impossible to prove that a specific person gave you herpes, since it can live dormant in your system for YEARS and it’s contracted skin to skin. And it’s also insane to insist someone should have known that they had it because not only can it be dormant or non symptomatic, but most STD tests or

Came here to say this, especially the C-section thing - that’s just wrong. Usually asymptomatic pregnant women with HSV start suppressive therapy around 34 weeks for prevention, and go on to have perfectly normal vaginal deliveries. I mean it really sucks that she has herpes now, but I’m not sure this is a legally

Yep! My brother got herpes from his first sexual partner in high school, and he gave it to my SIL (all info second-hand from my mother). I have a niece and a nephew both born after she was infected.

Can people stop freaking the fuck out about herpes? One in six Americans has genital herpes. It’s absurdly common, very treatable, and once on Valtrex, the vast majority of people with the disease have extremely rare outbreaks or even none at all after contracting it.

You should pay it forward by working for social justice.

No snark, really. And being stuffed up, feverish etc while that pregnant has to suck. But don’t they ever want anything to be private? Everything has to be shared or it didn’t happen?