
they’re just “an escape” for people

I’d say it’s more akin to purposely farting in an elevator. He’s not really a “fuckup” because he: a) did it on purpose, and b) knew he would be hated for it.

I was really excited about seeing an interesting take on how AI might look in the future. Too bad they abandoned any exploration of that almost immediately and turned it into a standard “we have to get [person/thing] to [place] before the bad guys catch us” story.

Well, that proves it!

Lars Ulrich

It’s a huge improvement. Battery life is fantastic.

I don’t want to see an ad for tampons when I’m watching a car channel

Yup. Having an ad show up right when Miles Davis is about to take his solo is annoying as hell. You’d think that, by now, they’d have figured out a way to let AI decide where to put the ads.

Everyone’s acting like quitting YouTube is some form of meaningful protest, but in reality you aren’t taking anything away from them since - by blocking ads - you weren’t earning anything for them in the first place.

Whether you block ads or simply stop going on YouTube won’t make a different to Google though? Either way, you’re not making them any money.

Aww, cut them a break - they only made $365B last year!

Haha, that’s great. Kinda fun watching these iconic filmmakers turn into old men yelling at clouds, while still being excellent filmmakers. Ridley on 2049, Scorcese on superhero films. Maybe we’ll get Coppola complaining about how the digital projectors don’t make that cool ticking noise like the ones in the 70s did.

When did Scott slam 2049?

should be legal to protect your valuables with deadly force

Check can be sent to me any time you like

So if you manage to snatch my phone from my hand and my Yubikey from my neck while my phone is unlocked and the password manager is unlocked

It introduces a single point of failure

nothing more than a publicity stunt