
Yeah, that guy kinda sucks.

I feel bad for poor Joe List, having to sit on the other side of the table and trying to be polite and not have his career destroyed.

4 out of 5 dentists agree.

Wait... because none of my friends are creepy means that I am the creepy one?

Joke’s on you - I don’t have ANY friends!

Why did she take the job? Franco’s general creepiness was known well before this movie began casting.

Right? It’s like saying asking for a raise from your boss otherwise you’re going to explore other career opportunities is “extortion”.

Tons of pounds

She’s trying to deepfake herself as a human woman.


Giant Douche vs. Turd Sandwich

Moore/Cawthorn 2024

Metallica, themselves, did not arrest kids and open an online music store

Metallica arrested kids and opened an online music store?

The shitty rate that artists get from Spotify and the like has nothing to with Metallica. But if someone hadn’t started to chip away at Napster’s armor, they’d be making $0.00.

We’re taking moral advice from thieves now?

I’m kinda relieved these are just “regular” cancelations.

Any church that brings partisan politics into their activities should have their special tax status revoked. If they don’t want to separate their church from their state, let them operate like a business and pay taxes accordingly. 

If they want to build their own place, I can think of somewhere that already has one wall ready to go. Maybe they can use that to get started?

A slideshow workaround for desktop browsers: narrow your browser window to about 1/3 and the slides collapse into a one-page list 👍🏻