
I end up naming them after women in my life... not intentionally... the names just fit.

FWD on a launch ramp? No f-ing thank you.


Here's a video from the Barstow MDR 250 at the "Widowmaker" (I'm up at the top left). No one had run to the right all day and Mike went for the pass at the very last second so we didn't have a chance to wave him off. Luckily everyone was pretty quick about sorting things out.

Open that up and revive the El Camino (although I'm not sure just how deep down they could make the bed even if they wanted to).

At the very least, they should make a version with suicide doors, because those are badass.

I'll have an extra large pizza with every- strike that, double everything and don't waste time cutting slices in it... this pie is for one.

I drove through a truck bed liner at 90mph on the 405 in HB because some douche in a modded Veloster wasn't paying attention and spun it right in front of me when he made contact.

That's a whole other level of cold even I don't want to f—k with BUT... if that's where I lived and that's what my options were you better believe I'd be paddling out. Primo surf on that part of the coast. Get to it! You'll thank your friend.

It's going to be 77°F tomorrow but the water is too cold to surf without a wetsuit :(

Awful or good music for that matter... They could have had Jimmy Page laying down his best performance ever and that doesn't change the fact that I watched that video primarily to hear that beast of a car run.

That's bitchin! They're just one of those bands that know how to kill it and have some of the best fans out there.

Big D is one of the most fun bands to see live next to the Suicide Machines.

I'm with you 110% BUT... IF I was going to... it'd be one of the following cars:

Bitchin! You should.

Sounds like our Losi's were long lost relatives and were subjected to much of the same. Glad to hear someone else enjoyed theirs as much as I did mine.

Really? My Losi XXT was a brute and I jumped it off everything. Snapped the steering linkage once and busted a shock when my buddy t-boned me another time.

Rubbing is racing.

It's the lenses that will cost you.

It's not often you find people familiar with Kentucky Fried Movie however, I'm left wondering why this isn't your avatar: