
Kelly, more Daphne Guiness, less... that.

Well, her name is Jennifer Gimenez. She's famous for two things: being in Blow (she played a Colombian girl who was slapped during a negotiation scene and later got married) and she was more recently the "den mother" on a couple of seasons of Celebrity Rehab. Also, she has cameos on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

That's not very nice! It took me four hours, a lot of Gorilla Glue and half a bong bowl to make those shoes.

I don't know why everyone always feels so sorry for Jennifer aniston. I mean, I'm in my 40's, Brad Pitt doesn't seem to want me either and I too have no kids. Plus she's got that house. Whiner.

Case in point. (Sarah Burton's latest collection for Alexander McQueen.)

The lace on Angie's dress looks cheap (and I must admit at experiencing just a wee bit of smugnosity at her blah beige bra strap.)

I'm coming to your house to cook you French toast right now.

Me want.

Couldn't agree more. Add some Xanax in there as well. (Unfortunately, been there, done that.)

I'll tell you what's not fake: the absolute lack of chemistry between these two.

If she's doing coke, she's pitting it up against Xanax and some sort of pain-killer(s). The slurred speech, slow motions, half-closed eyes, mouth agape... that's not coke. (I wish I didn't know this.)

Lea Michelle's dress looks like Bob Mackie had an unfortunate accident in a plutonium plant while making it. Overdone, Vegas/matronly and her contortions don't do much to help. It's like her entire body is saying "ICAN'TBELIEVEIMHEREOHMYGODCANYOUBEL...'MHEREICAN'THOWDOILOOK?"

I can't. I just can't. I suspect, considering the people I have heard use the word, that the reason they use it is NOT because it's in the dictionary.

I prolly was also! LMFAROTFL

I often think "jail" when I want to say "church" and "husband" when I want to say "boss" but I'm an Atheist who used to sleep with my boss, so...

The pictures of the "bigger" model by herself are sexy, beautiful, inspiring. The ones of her with the "smaller" model (and c'mon, they chose one that looks frankly, unhealthy) look like she's in the process of consuming her. There's something sinister about them. Unsettling.

What do you consider 'American' food?

The original story warned those that were eating to stop. I did, read the story, and it wasn't so bad, so I resumed eating. THEN I READ YOUR STORY.

Are you in a position to counsel others? I think that schools, communities and especially parents of transgender children can benefit from your story. It needs to be told.

Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. When I saw that picture I thought she looked like someone but somehow I also knew it was such an obscure person (or thing, whatever it was) that I immediately gave up trying to pin-point it.