“things don’t work so well”
“things don’t work so well”
Get over yourself honky, non-hispanic whites show a greater preponderance for tissue transglutaminase (tTG) and endomysial (EMA) IgA antibodies of .79%. The prevalence of positive serology according to race was as follows: 1.08 % (95 % CI 0.70-1.45 %) in non-Hispanic white, 0.23 % (95 % CI 0.03-0.43 %) in Mexican,…
It's not much, but it's helped me through a few rough patches, and I hope it helps you in some small way.
I've never been much for Christmas, and despite not being able to spread cheer far and wide, I made Christmas a bit nicer for two people. That's all we can do, affect those near us, and keep our chin up. 2019 was a rough year for everyone, and I'm hoping 2020 is a smoother ride.
I'm kind of annoyed this never occurred to me after watching a million documentaries about Christmas Island on the Discovery Channel. Kudos!
Classic, he reminds me of Gomez Addams in the best way.
Holy shit, Ertl could wrestle a bear with his mustache alone.
Reminiscent of a Mr. Tony Stark, not bad my dear chap.
Even simpler, tell your kids what happened to these dogs, and watch them ask for A Nightmare Before Christmas next year.
Son of a bitch, you got my hopes up and dashed them expertly! This sort of shit is rotting people’s minds. Can someone put some actual science programming back on the Discovery Channel?
Considering he’s a racist twatwaffle without any actual business acumen, I foresee some rather bad business dealings in his future, and I’m rather ok with that idea.
The best schooled moron in the history of the medical profession.
The man is a groveling shit eating grade A bitch, and it was high time the world understood it.
Sure cupcake.
This right here, that Cosby was the house slave par excellence.
I am rather ok with that...
My only regret is that I only have one star to give.
It’s nothing to do with being offensive, good comedy exists independent of it’s era. Take Blazing Saddles, it subverts and uses racist tropes to make a good laugh at white racist’s expense. That’s why some movies stand the test of time, and others make you cringe. Because great comedy is timeless.
If I remember correctly, there’s a rule about having to sell your car if asked or some such, as it helps keep the racing tighter. Keeps people from sinking in beaucoup bucks into their ride. James May did a run in this series a while ago too.