The Don

It made Eddie snort a bit, and I was cackling with laughter. Then again, I’ve made fun of some rather fucked up situations that happened to me, so I'm a bit biased...

Grandma's Boy is still a good watch all these years later. Why? It's actually funny, instead of relying on sexist and racist tropes.

Well, we know who won the debate between Cosby and Murphy, and that impression has got to sting. Ice cold.

Same, my parents watching Delirious and my only understanding the bear and rabbit joke. Granted, it got a lot of laughs at school later.

Refresh cycles like the Russians might not be the worst idea, and anything less than two decades sounds downright wasteful.

More than likely due to NVH and ease of use, but I emphatically agree with you.

Probably more because of the dog engagement than the sequential pattern, but as a lifelong motorcycle enthusiast, sequential dog boxes are the shit.

The clutch being on the shifter is rather unorthodox, but if it works, who am I to argue. Aprilia’s no neutral system would likely augment this further, with no neutral between 1st and 2nd, but putting it below 1st with an electronic lockout. No more bitching about a false neutral, and if you do, it’s time to rebuild

It might be nice to figure out a way to cause mass suicide amongst conservatives, thin out the herd a bit and avoid bullshit like this. Granted, shit like this brings out the sociopath in me...

These guys are fucking morons.

Future Darwin Award winner in the making more like. And since the gene pool could already use a shitload of bleach...

And since a chain is as strong as it’s weakest link, this guy was skating on thin ice. That or this is the automotive equivalent of Damocles Sword.

At least this should have shattered the notion that military members are good people. If you take into account how many white supremacists there are in the military, the entire org is rotting from the inside out, and they should be treated the same as the police.

This has been my argument for a while, if you can’t live and let live, we shouldn’t let you live. This racist cunt is why society is fraying, because she and racists as a whole can’t live with brown people amongst them. Honestly, give me a 80 million bullets and a long weekend, I could make this country a better place

Because people are geared to think of women as a passive and nurturing influence, not a racist cunt.

She’s a POC. There are latitudes, but all I have to do is point at other POC using similar imagery about latin americans. It was a stupid action committed by a developing brain. Hell, if she’s 22, her brain is still developing. It doesn’t excuse her previous actions, but she's apologizing for her actions, and how else

Edgar Mitchell said it best when speaking about going to the moon:


That I don't remember, it was about 15 years ago...
