Easy answer, rent a car. You need to move crap, rent a truck.
Schadenfreude is the word for the day.
You went quiet again. This is what happens when you argue with an overthinker, your arguments end up invalid.
Sounds like it's less trying and more accomplishing. Kudos ma'am.
If that’s how you think, I’m sorry you never got this sortof empathic lesson, because you may as well shout from the rooftops that you are in fact the racist here. Fuck off back to your trailer home asshole.
Ma'am, I must commend you. Thanks for being a good and empathic person.
Spot on.
You sir, are a closet racist. Not an outright racist, but you try and normalize racist ideals. Of course you want the n word to be available within your lexicon, but it won't now, or ever.
Denny’s has always been my go to. Open at every hour, with a chicken fried steak that has treated me right since the late 80s. This and a 12 pack of Winchell’s donuts are what I miss from going fishing with my dad at 4 AM.
Tip: they weren't.
No, better to have them work as a teacher for a decade with no pay.
I'm sacrificing chickens and conservatives just so Bernie or Warren get a blue federal government.
At least Drumpf’s time in office is uncovering people like this jackass who are willing to sell out the country for a quick buck. It’s no optimal, but this combined with uncovering all the racists is helpful at least. I actually had to clear out a dipshit over on Jalopnik who equated immigration with ethnic cleansing.…
Ok then, 3 countries out of 44 cracked the top 10. Hardly a majority. And how much of Europe’s population is in Sweden? That’s what I thought. So explain how you seem to think that less than 10% of Europe's countries having a greater standard of living means that Europe has a higher standard of living. Because it…
You again? Do I need to put my dick back in your mouth?
Fuck off honky. This is your last warning. Otherwise I'm going to lay out exactly what is going to happen to the "white race", and then I'm going to let you sit and stew.
Only Austria and Germany made it before the US. All the other countries are Scandinavian, Nordic, or the Ozzies. So what was this about being incorrect? And my question to you still stands.
Did I give you permission to speak? So shut the fuck up, you cracker ass bitch.