The Don

Which is why I'm now being obscene with this jackass.

Dear lord, Drumpf fans are dumber than I ever suspected.

You want a fresh one?

American car companies have a history of fucking up big decisions like this. Give it a decade or two, and chasing the boomer demographic will have either bankrupted them or leave them with a substantially reduced market share. First it was the Japanese, now it'll be the Koreans.

If I want your opinion, I’ll take my dick out of your mouth. Sit the fuck down, shut the fuck up.

Sorry dipshit, you're done talking.

You don't look boss or cool, you just look like you have a tiny pecker.

Nope. 2025 is the latest I’d expect to see them hit the market. Likely with double the density of current batteries to boot. Do some research next time before you chime in.

Because they’re less safe for the driver, passengers, pedestrians, and other road users not similarly equipped, like motorcyclists. But since the Me generation can't help but think of only themselves, the market is catering almost exclusively to their taste.

This explanation still doesn’t change the fact you’re a racist twat. Actually makes you look more racist.

The guy is a racist asshole by the look of it.

Give it a decade or two, once boomers are dying off or losing their licenses, the market will correct.

Whatever makes you feel better about yourself gramps.

Air density for ICE is helpful. On a cold morning, my bike feels rather lively. But the cold wasn’t the problem here, it was that the driver was dumb as a bag of rocks.

Please, just refer to the CFM for the fans you’re using, and I only ever referred to the packaging constraints, not the actual size of the fans you twit And the Chaparral 2J is not only an ugly as fuck car, it was only banned because of the fan that helped to suck it to the ground in the 70s. The shape of the car

And the asshole still hasn’t my question about his provenance.

And the US will still fuck them up. Welcome to to the new Cold War.

I love the explanation of burgeon for the troglodytes.

The environmental organizations that only became big once millenials hit their stride. Or how many boomers do you know that worked for Greenpeace, or even the SPCA?

It's generally a delta, 20-30% for heater, and about a 10-15% drop for the AC.